Overview of the State Water Project
Overview of the State Water Project
Tracy Hinojosa, Water Operations Branch Manager, State Water Project.
When: Friday, December 6, 12 pm to 1 pm
Where: Virtual (via Zoom)—Link to virtual seminar to be sent upon RSVP
The recording of the webinar is available here
Overview of the State Water Project
The California State Water Project (SWP) is a multi-purpose water storage and delivery system that extends more than 705 miles—two-thirds the length of California. A collection of canals, pipelines, reservoirs, and hydroelectric power facilities delivers clean water to 27 million Californians, 750,000 acres of farmland, and businesses throughout our state. Tracy Hinojosa, Water Operations Branch Manager at the Department of Water Resources, Division of Operations & Maintenance, will present an overview of the SWP, including the history, purpose, and benefits of the project, as well as the challenges facing the SWP today.
About the Speaker
Tracy Hinojosa has 17 years of experience with the State Water Project (SWP), serving in various capacities in the Department of Water Resources, Division of Operations & Maintenance. In her new role as the Water Operations Branch Manager, she oversees water operations scheduling, including operations at Lake Oroville and exports from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Tracy holds a BS in Civil Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and is a registered Professional Engineer in California.