OWP Water Seminar Series

Please check here for information on our upcoming seminars. Our popular water seminars are held in Spring and Fall. You can see a list of past seminars and watch recordings of these seminars on this page. We will have more information posted on the upcoming seminar shortly.

Past Seminars

March 2024
Safe Drinking Water for Disadvantaged Communities
Maureen Kerner, P.E., Research Engineer, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State and Associate Director, Environmental Finance Center at Sacramento State
Brian Currier, P.E., Research Engineer, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State

October 2023
Major Improvements to the Sacramento River Flood Control Project
David Pesavento, Supervising Engineer, California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Dan Tibbitts, Principal Engineer, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency (SAFCA)
Sean McNeil, Senior Project Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District South Pacific Division

June 2023
Capturing and Managing Large Storms and Wet Winters in California—Prospects and Limitations
Jay R. Lund: Vice-Director, Center for Watershed Sciences Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

March 2023
Colorado River Basin Governance, Decision Making, and Alternative Approaches
Rich Juricich, MS, PE , Principal Water Resources Engineer Colorado River Board of California

December 2022
Storm water quality following urban burning: What was learned from the 2018 Camp Fire and other recent destructive fires?
Dr. Jackson Webster: Associate Professor of civil engineering at California State University, Chico

October 2022
Looking Back and Forward: A Water Year 2022 Review and Expectations for Water Year 2023
Michael L Anderson, State Climatologist, California Department of Water Resources

May 2022
Harvest Water Project: Increasing Water Supply Reliability and Ecological Resiliency through Collaboration
Heidi Oriol, Senior Civil Engineer in the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs workgroup for Regional San and the Sacramento Area Sewer District (SASD)

April 2022
American River Basin Study
Brian Rickards, Planning & Development Services Manager at Placer County Water Agency
Ibrahim Khadam, Senior Principal Engineer at Stantec Consulting Services

November 2021
Funding water supply protection through conservation finance
in the Yuba River watershed

Tessa Maurer, Senior Project Scientist at Blue Forest Conservation
Joanna Lessard, Project Manager at the Yuba Water Agency

October 2021
The Sacramento Regional Water Bank
James Peifer, Executive Director of the Regional Water Authority (RWA) and the Sacramento Groundwater Authority (SGA)

April 2021
Water Seminar Explores Sustainable Solutions to Drinking Water Challenges
Kim Dinh, P.E., Senior Water Resource Engineer
Emma Blankenship,Grant Manager with the State Water Board, Division of Financial Assistance
Michelle Frederick, P.E., SAFER Section Supervisor for State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water

March 2021
The Sites Reservoir Project
Jerry Brown, Sites Reservoir Project Manager

November 2020
The Water Policy of Managed Wetlands in the Central Valley
Ellen Wehr, Grassland Water District

October 2020
Flood-MAR: Harnessing Flood Waters for Aquifer Replenishment
Kamyar Guivetchi, California Department of Water Resources

November 2019
Oroville Spillways Recovery Project Overview
John Yarbrough, Department of Water Resources

September 2019
Water and the Future of the San Joaquin Valley
Alvar Escriva-Bou, Research Fellow, Water Policy Center, Public Policy Institute of California

April 2019
2019–2020 Priorities: A State Water Board Member's Perspective
Tam M. Doduc, P.E., State Water Resources Control Board Member

March 2019
Responding to Climate Change with Multi-Benefit Projects
Melinda Frost-Hurzel, P.E., coordinator, Cosumnes Coalition and Gary Bardini, planning director, Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency

November 2017
Thirsty for Justice: The Struggle for the Human Right to Water in California and Beyond
Colin Bailey, executive director, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water

November 2017
American River Temperature Management
Randi Field, US Bureau of Reclamation, Central Valley Operations Office

October 2017
American River Salmon Restoration
Tom Gohring, executive director, Sacramento Water Forum

April 2017
US Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Response: Water and Wastewater Operations
Cory Koger, Senior Chemist and Water Quality Program Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

March 2017
Folsom Dam: Flood Operations Update
Brad Moore, PE, Hydrology and Hydraulics Branch, US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District

November 2016
Municipal Finance of Water Projects
Michael Colantuono, Attorney at Law, Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley

September 2016
Direct Potable Reuse
Andy Salveson, PE, Water Reuse Practice Director, Carollo Engineers

April 2016
Drought, El Nino and California’s Climate Variability in the Face of Change
Michael Anderson, State Climatologist, California Department of Water Resources

March 2016
California Water: A Historical Perspective
Timothy Quinn, Executive Director, Association of California Water Agencies

November 2015
Sacramento’s Flood Risk Reduction Efforts (1989 to the Present and Beyond)
Pete Ghelfi, Director of Engineering Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency

October 2015
Tastes Great...Less Filling: The Sacramento Area Response to California’s Historic Drought
John Woodling, Executive Director of the Regional Water Authority

May 2015
The EchoWater Project: Unprecedented Wastewater Infrastructure Investment for Sacramento
Ruben Robles, Director of Regional San Operations, Sacramento

April 2015
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
David Gutierrez, Chief of Division of Safety of Dams and Program

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